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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 1908746343
Are you wasting your money on marketing? Most businesses are. They've got serious profit leaks. So when they run their marketing Taps, revenue simply pours out of a leaky Bucket. Watertight Marketing is no ordinary marketing book. There's no jargon. And it's not about the latest over-hyped tactic. This is a book that tackles business fundamentals. It's the book on marketing that makes all the others make sense. Following the process laid out in this book puts you in control of your business growth. You'll be able to step off the roller coaster of yo-yo sales results and get your business on a sustainable upward curve. Bryony Thomas has a refreshing style that means the ideas click and stick. She has distilled her wealth of experience into clear action points that you'll want to tackle today.Are you wasting your money on marketing? Most businesses are. They've got serious profit leaks. So when they run their marketing Taps, revenue simply pours out of a leaky Bucket. Watertight Marketing is no ordinary marketing book. There's no jargon. And it's not about the latest over-hyped tactic. This is a book that tackles business fundamentals. It's the book on marketing that makes all the others make sense. Following the process laid out in this book puts you in control of your business growth. You'll be able to step off the roller coaster of yo-yo sales results and get your business on a sustainable upward curve. Bryony Thomas has a refreshing style that means the ideas click and stick. She has distilled her wealth of experience into clear action points that you'll want to tackle today.
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